AT 6:30
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AND ....
Wednesday and Sunday Evenings(EST). @ 6:30 PM
The Teaching Ministry of Dr. David C. Laughner
Standing Strong...
Lighting the Way...
Following The Word of God
Sunday Bible Study Classes Begin @ 9 Each Sunday Morning
Sunday February 16th at 5:00 - WMU
Monday, February 3rd -10:30-12:00 - Community Bible Study
* All services will be AUDIO broadcast live*
Wednesday Evening, *January 22nd
Service at 6:30 PM
The 7 Churches of Revelation
Sunday Morning
January 26th
10:00 AM
6:30 PM
Sunday Evening
January 26th
Mailing Address:
PO BOX 235
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CDs and Study Guides are available. There is no cost for these materials. We ask for donations to help cover the cost of the materials.
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If you need a study guide or CD's , please email me and I will get them mailed out to you as soon as possible. Sermons may also be placed on a thumb drive, USB drive or memory stick.
Posted with permission from The Moore Family
***Additional lessons can be found on the
Light to Life page & our YouTube channel
Click on this icon when you see it and you will return to the home page. Thank you for visiting our website. We look forward to seeing you in person soon!
Ginger Laughner
WMU President
WMU continued it's study Monday night, learning how to take on the mentality of a VICTOR not a VICTIM. We have become a world where every one has an "excuse" or someone to "blame" for bad behavior, failures, mistakes, .......personal responsibility has become a thing of the past. God wants us to be victors in all circumstances. If we believe in God, then all things will work together for good.
Our behaviors should reflect that belief, our failures and mistakes should cause us to accept responsibility and look to God on how to turn even failures and mistakes into victories for him . If you have a Victor's mentality, you look for solutions first, then you show your gratitude to God for giving you all you need to overcome.
We look forward to our June session where we will learn to trust the tools God has given us to Thrive and overcome. Hope to see you there, June 28th at 7pm.
WMU continued to explore the strategies for "Thriving in a Hostile World”. Once you don’t panic and gain an accurate sense of what is happening, then it becomes time to take inventory of what you have and can find in order to survive and thrive. As a Christian we know Satan is a formidable opponent, but the good news is God has given us all the tools we need to survive and thrive. As Ephesians 6:13 says “Take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day and having done everything, to stand firm”. When we rise in the morning to confront the day and we put on our Spiritual Armor, we will not only survive but thrive.
Our next meeting will be changed to MAY 24TH AT 7PM, because of Memorial Day. We hope to see you there as we continue our study. The next strategy we will be exploring will be how to “Develop a Victor, not a Victim Mindset. Come join us.
On Monday night the WMU continued our study on the 10 strategies for thriving in a hostile world. We all are aware that the world is far removed from the teachings of Jesus, therefore learning to thrive is a daily challenge. In our first session we learned the first strategy “DON’T PANIC”. The second strategy we learned Monday night is “GAIN SITUATIONAL AWARENESS”. In order to do this you must first be able to discern the truth. Discerning the truth has become far more difficult as our world has become more fluid with many more voices. All things from gender to ethnicity are now fluid. Now “truth" has been disconnected from facts and connected to individual “feelings”, distorting reality. We have all heard “This is MY truth”, which makes assessing reality (truth) even more of a challenge. That is why keeping the word of God in our hearts and minds keeps us grounded in “THE TRUTH” which is unchanging and eternal . Isaiah 5:20 states “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!” We must remain grounded in the eternal truth, God’s word in order to thrive.
Once we don’t panic and assess the situation, it is time for the third strategy “TAKE INVENTORY”. Come join us the last Monday in April the 26th, on our journey to thrive in a hostile world
The ladies of WMU enjoyed learning our first strategy on how to be Courageous and thrive in a hostile world. There are 10 STRATEGIES FOR THRIVING in a HOSTILE WORLD, the first strategy is “Don’t Panic”. According to studies of crisis situations, 10% of people flee, 10% fight and 80% freeze. We as Christians have the super power to be able to stand and fight if we remember that God is our source of power. The first strategy is to “DON’T PANIC". Two key ways to remain calm are …... Be disciplined in your thinking (prepare your minds with God’s words)…...Be disciplined in your conduct (do no succumb to the world, be sober in spirit) . Knowing God’s grace, knowing his word and setting ourselves apart from the temptations of the world will give us the courage to stand and fight no matter the circumstances.
In our next meeting we will be studying the next strategy , Gaining Situational Awareness. Please join us March 29, at 7pm.
Ginger & Sue
Mission Month 2020
We missed those who were unable to make it Tuesday night for our return to our monthly meeting. The main topic was Lottie Moon Mission march which takes place the first Sunday of November annually.
What we have decided on is a Global view focused on Missionary families during the recent Covid Pandemic. If you go to the IMB website you can see the stories and difficulties that they have had over the past months.
The decision was made that the following ladies will give our October Sunday Morning excerpts in preparation for the march.
Sherry Hosti — October 4
Ginger Strickland — October 11
Sue Bentley — October 18
Dianna Solomon — October 25
Royann Harley — November 1
On October 31 at 9:00 am we will meet to decorate the fellowship hall. With the theme being Global we are revisiting some of our past countries and using flags from around the world, posters, etc.
As for the Meal on November 1 the evening for the march (time to be determined) we are doing 5 soups and IGA is providing subs and Sue is making Lottie Moon’s teacakes. In order to limit contact we are having one server Brenda who has graciously volunteered. We will encourage face masks and social distancing.
Suzi Nesbitt — Potato Soup
Ginger volunteered David — Black bean soup
Sue Bentley — Lottie Moon Tea cakes
Ginger Strickland — Southwest soup
Wanda Higgs — Chicken White Chili
Sherry Hosti — Vegetable
We invite and encourage any suggestions and welcome volunteers. It feels good to begin to recapture some semblance of normalcy.
Now on another note, we will have The annual Christmas Dinner on Dec 5. Suzi is in charge organizing the event, it is always wonderful. More info to come.
That leads us to decorating the church for Christmas. Volunteers needed. It is usually Friday or Saturday immediately following Thanksgiving. Will get more info on that also.
This covers most items. If anyone has any questions , comments, ideas,…..please call, text , email or comment on FB page.
Looking forward to another great season of giving .
Your fearful ( we mean Fearless) co-presidents
Sue Bentley and Ginger Strickland
PS; We do have extra books for the Breathe series.
WMU looks forward to 2020 with a mission to grow our members stronger in faith and prayer. With that in mind we are going to begin a 5-Session Study from Priscilla Shirer, Breathe, in March. “One of the greatest challenges among women in our culture is taking time to cease from all the activities and just breathe. We are in bondage to busyness. We constantly strive to complete the limitless to-do lists that hinder us from experiencing all that God has for us. By neglecting time for tranquility, serenity, and repose, we limit our Christlikeness and miss out on some of God's greatest gifts. In the Old Testament, Sabbath was given to the Israelites as a gift, and it is still a gift to us today. If you are weary, worn out, and exhausted, then the concept of Sabbath will change your life.” (Patricia Shirer) Each participant will have a study guide and there will be 5 videos we will share and discuss.
As a group of women with a heart for God and missions, we will also be planning our Lottie Moon Mission March, which occurs in the fall. We hope to carry on the tradition of exceeding expectations, with our church family’s amazing response and giving to the mission of sharing the word around the world.
Please come join us so we can help one another grow stronger, more prayerful and more faithful to the path that God has laid out for each of us. Our hope is to be a soft place to land for any who are going through difficult times, our ladies will stand in the gap for you, all you need to do is ask.
Join us in an exciting productive 2020, with a clear vision and focus on Missions and growth .
Ginger Strickland & Sue Bentley
WMU Presidents
2020 -
There are not enough words to express what a wonderful evening ! The annual WMU Christmas Banquet was the best yet. The ladies( and David and Glenn) did an outstanding job of decorating both the Fellowship Hall and the church for this season. Everyone was full of smiles and food! Clary's did a fabulous job as usual with professional staff and amazing food! It was so good that there was not a bite left!!! There were over 100 in attendance, in spite of the nasty weather outside. Plans are already being made for next year's banquet. If you missed this year, you really want to mark your calendars for next year!!! The slide show is bit large but well worth it. Enjoy and Merry Christmas!! Let's continue to keep CHRIST in CHRISTmas!
Who first told you about Christ? How was your life changed as a result? Hebrew 13:7
First and foremost, we are a group of women who "... love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul and mind..." Deuteronomy 6: 4-6 Our main purpose is to grow our relationship with Christ. We do this through studying His Word, growing in our knowledge and love for our Savior, Jesus Christ.
WMU is a Baptist Women's Missionary Association. Many Baptist churches have the ministry of WMU in their church which helps the church focus on missions in multiple ways. Here at Chapel by The Sea Baptist Church, we have been involved in many areas of mission work over the years. Locally we've volunteered/ given to Nursing homes and the Savannah Baptist Center. Internationally, we've given to Voice of the Martyrs Bibles Unbound program. Through this wonderful program, we have now sent over 1,000 Bibles.
Our main WMU focus and grand finale each year is our church-wide giving to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. While many Baptist Churches give to this mission offering, we at Chapel by The Sea decided long ago that it is our right, responsibility and privilege to help equip the missionaries to fulfill their role in the Great Commission. As a result, our WMU ladies have made this their priority. We begin planning in the summer, revving excitement in the church throughout October and begin giving in November. By year's end, we are always excited and in awe for what God has accomplished through the efforts of our small church for His glory alone.
As an outpouring of Christ's love for us, we desire to show His love to others through missions. We want to be obedient in fulfilling our role individually and collectively in obedience to The Great Commission and encouraging others to do the same. Matthew 28:19,20
We welcome all ladies to join us in our service to the King.